Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Art from Earned Objects

I was just notified of a grant award. Getting funded is an art, so I figure I should make art of some funds. My first attempt: An Origami Foraminifera. This must be the cell body ...

I wonder what it will agglutinate?


  1. Congrat$! I just read an article about National Geographic mapping plastics trash. Have you found any plastics in your exploration? I also wondered if you are part of the Old Antarctica Explorers?

  2. Old Antarctic Explorers Association has the same antonym as the Oklahoma Art Education Association and the Ohio Art Education Association. My husband went to school at Jacksonville University where John N. Heine, the scuba diver scientist teaches. I met some of the veterans and scientists from the Antarctic in Norfolk last year.

  3. This is from last spring... But, congratulations! :)
